Wednesday, May 18, 2011


This morning up bright and early (for us anyway) and off to our exercise group which was enjoyable as usual....I still have problems with my right side and right knee but manage most of the exercises and the weights OK. I often wish I could afford to go more often but I could and should do most of the things at home. I wonder why it is exercising alone is so boring which tends to put me off bothering to do it. MOH exercises with the group but trying to encourage him to exercise with me at go.

Later I saw my podiatrist who has been off seeing the world with his family. We'd missed him since last year as he is also doing some study and so I had been seeing a locum (a really lovely Vietnamese lass) this year but it was nice to see John again. He does look after my feet so well and when one is diabetic that is just so very important. I used to go to the podiatrist about avery 4-5 weeks but my toenails grow so slowly these days I've extended the time between visits to 8 weeks. My fingernails grow very quickly so why not my toenails? Circulation problems..I do hope not.

Came home and did a few (little) necessary chores, had lunch and then onto Facebook and my farms that I have on there (all so much fun).

I then decided to get onto Centrelink to register and had to answer questions which I thought I'd done quite well but it seems I hadn't 'cos I got the response that I had failed and couldn't register! What? One question under my spouse's details was 'Maiden Name' and as my spouse is a man I thought that a little odd so put in my maiden name but perhaps that was wrong. Goodness how I hate government departments and their red tape. Why is it that nothing is stated in plain straight forward English? I consider myself a well educated and intelligent adult person but....I ask you. Perhaps I'll get on the 'phone tomorrow and ask them what answers they would like me to give.

One interesting and confusing statement was this: You will be asked certain questions so make sure you have the necessary information available before you start. How on earth was I supposed to know what information I should need to have with me before I knew what they were going to ask???

One question was: bank account details payments made to: Did they want to know which bank account details (number etc)..or who the payments were made to? There was only room for about 9 characters so wasn't sure what to put in that little window so perhaps put the wrong answer there.

Apart from this little glitch the day is going quite well...the weather is cooler and we had rain yesterday .. 12mm in our rain gauge at home (nearly half an inch) and we are keeping fingers crossed for more rain later in the week. With the beginning of winter only two weeks away we certainly should have had a lot more rain by now and think though our garden thoroughly enoyed the rain that fell yesterday.

Tomorrow is another day and I am hoping it will be even the weather is cooler I am beginning to feel I am alive again so on to bigger and better things..well perhaps anyway.

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